Saturday, July 2, 2011

Shalom Lekulam! Ma Shlomchem?

I hope the past week was a good one for all. For me at Ulpan, it has been a packed and exciting week. With having our first student coming in to our new branch in Tel Aviv, where I am located permanently at the moment and upgrading our PR and advertising campaign, there was not much time left for anything else. This week our first newsletter was finally written. Our newsletter is going to be published once a month, on Rosh Chodesh (the first day of every Hebrew month). Since Rosh Chodesh is on Shabbat (02-07), it was very important for me that everything would stick to schedule so we could publish on time. Finishing up our mailing list and making a contact with a distribution company, writing the content and working on the graphics happily occupied my time for the past few days. You can all join our newsletter by subscribing on our new web site. On the home page you will find the details of how to subscribe at:
Please feel free to write me any comments you may have. Of course, complements would also be welcome… (☺.
Another thing worked on this week was to continue with our new prospectus. Everyone who expresses an interest or who comes for an evaluation will be given a guide to all our different Hebrew courses with all the relevant information and accompanied with lovely graphics made by Avishag Danino, our in-house graphic designer.
On a personal level, on Wednesday we celebrated our oldest son's 5th birthday. Friends from his Gan (kindergarten) came and Lea, my wife was in charge of all the activities whereas I was in charge of the "strategic" side (someone needs to, I am not complaining).
I wish you all שבת שלום, and invite you for a visit!
Gil Pentzak, Ulpan Aviv- director

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