Friday, July 8, 2011

Shalom Lekulam! Ma Nishma?

Well summer is now well under way with the heat wave that normally arrives at the beginning of June, arriving just last week. The beaches here in Tel Aviv are sunnier than ever. As I have already mentioned in previous blogs, the Tel Aviv Ulpan is very close to the beach and so while students in Jerusalem used to come for lessons after praying at the Kotel, here in Tel Aviv they come after a swim in the sea. I have also previously mentioned that I am in the process of collecting data about the differences in teaching Hebrew in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. When I have any information, you will be the first to know… (great that English does not have number distinction in verbs and I can write "you" and mean each of you).
Sunday of this week saw the launch of Ulpan Aviv’s first Newsletter. Our intention is to publish a newsletter at the beginning of every Hebrew month, which is aimed at keeping everyone informed of what is going on at the Ulpan and to help us keep in contact with our students, (past, present and future). This month's newsletter spoke about the month of Tamuz as well as giving details regarding recent events here at Ulpan Aviv. We also launched a new campaign called: "Ask the Experts". People can write to us during the month to ask any question that they may have about the Hebrew language. Every month one question will be selected and published with the answer (we won’t publish a name if the enquirer prefers that we don’t). The sender of the published question will receive a gift of 4 Aviv On-Line lessons (via Skype). You can send any questions that you may have directly to me at:
Today here in Israel we are expecting a demonstration of approximately 50-60 people, mainly from Europe, demonstrating against Israel. On arrival at the airport they are intending to say that they are coming to visit Palestine. It is needless to say what I think of this but I would like to insist that the state of Israel has every right to be acknowledged. She is very much alive and well and if we could only open a dialogue from this starting point, then I think we may have a better chance of reaching some conclusion.
I wish you all Shabbat Shalom, and if you are planning a visit in the holy land, don’t forget to stop by…
Gil Pentzak, Ulpan Aviv- director

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