I trust this blog-post finds you all well.
I have quite a bit to tell you all and am not sure where to start! This week was the beginning of the “nine day period”, which is the nine days between Rosh Chodesh Av and Tisha B'Av, (1st day of Av and 9th day of Av). My mum, (and many other Jews with her), says that it is not recommended to start a project, or in fact to start any sort of a process during these days. As our Temple was destroyed at this time of the year, it is widely believed that anything that is started at this time will not succeed, in other words, there is no blessing in anything that one does. I must say that this year, more than ever before, I am starting to believe that my mum is right. All students that were supposed to start their studies at Ulpan this week all had suddenly had various reasons that they had to cancel or postpone. Two from France were hospitalized; two from the UK now living in Netanya couldn’t come, as well as various Skype courses being cancelled at the last minute. Our newsletter that was supposed to be mailed to more than 500 subscribers only got through to 100 for some unknown reason, and G-d only knows what else. I have got to the point where I am saying; "everything is from now on in your hands. Just remember that I love you…☺"
In addition to all the hiccups that we have had, I have loads to do and get finished in the next week before going on a family holiday next Thursday. With Tuesday being Tisha B'Av, Ulpan will be closed for the day. As I said, lots to do in a short time……
BUT, who’s complaining? With everything that is going on in Israel at the moment, I am so thankful to be working and to be working in a field that I love!
I hope that you all have a great weekend!
Shabbat Shalom,
Gil Pentzak
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