Hoping you all had a wonderful week.
For me, this week was a week of catching up after the holidays but I am glad to say that I am now totally back in the game…☺ Here at Ulpan, after a break, we are setting up some courses for groups of young people coming to Israel for a year. Ulpan Aviv has been nominated to provide the Hebrew lessons. We have been involved in these programs for the past 2 years and I must say that there is something very different about working with these kids. They have a strong sense of patriotism and a high motivation to learn the language and about the culture. Definitely an experience…
In order to be able to run these courses we have been recruiting new staff members, and most of my time these last 2 days and next week has and will be dedicated to training.
I wrote last week about my daughter being admitted to the hospital suffering from dehydration. I am pleased to say that over the last week she has gradually recovered and gained most of her strength back (and believe me, at 18 months old she has plenty of strength…)
I was hoping to be able to tell you all of an improvement in the tense security situation here in Israel; unfortunately, this is simply not the case. Rockets are still being fired on settlements in the south and last Shabbat a man was killed as a result of the bombings. Let us all hope and pray for better days and SHALOM.
I hope that you have had a great weekend. Shavua Tov.
Gil Pentzak, Ulpan Aviv- director
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