Saturday, May 14, 2011

Shalom Lekulam!

I hope that everyone has had a good week. For us here in Israel it has been another emotionally charged week. On Tuesday it was Yom ha Zicharon (rememberance day for the soldiers lost in wa,r and the victims of terror), followed by Independence Day on Wednesday. On Tuesday there were memorial services all over the country including here in Jerusalem, where the Fogel family (the children and parents of the victims of the Itamar massacre), spoke about remembrance. Needless to say there were more than a few tears shed. At the Kotel (Western Wall) both Shimon Peres (President), and Benny Ganz (Head of the Armed Forces), spoke about the desire, not for war, but to see our children coming home every evening instead of being in army camps, at check points, etc. A special thought went to Guilad Shalit, who is still imprisoned in Gaza five years on. We look forward to the day that we will be able to celebrate his freedom. In complete contrast, with hardly a moment to take a breath in between, after the remembrance came the Independence Day celebrations, the 63rd birthday of the State of Israel. The whole of Israel was outside with their families and friends, enjoying the day. Any piece of grass bigger than the size of a pocket handkerchief had a barbecue on it and it was great to see and be a part of. The Navy sailed down the whole of Israel’s coast, and the air-force and El-Al (airline), had organized ‘fly-by’s’. All in all a wonderful day.
Things are steadily moving forward here at the Ulpan with an advertisement campaign in French on the horizon, and all the preparations for the summer rush. If you are considering studying or tempted to study with us in the coming months, do get in touch and we will be sure to arrange something for you. In the meantime,
Have a great weekend and Shabbat Shalom!
Gil Pentzak
Ulpan Aviv- Director

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